Nappies, Cigars and 10 year old beer

31 03 2008

We had a lovely evening on Saturday with the Lovell family. Adri and I went around for pizza and baby cuddles.

I had the pleasure/duty/opportunity of changing a pooey nappy for the frst time, which was exciting/disgusting/nice.

And to celebrate the birth, like they do in the movies, Anu and I had a cigar each. It wasn’t my first cigar, but I’m no pro. It is not something I am used to and I don’t think I want to get used to it. I can understand how it would be appealing – it was very tasty in it’s own way. But I find not having throat cancer quite appealing as well. They took over an hour to smoke and I had to wash my hair twice to get the smell out.

Far more enjoyable than the cigars was the 1998 Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale. I was concerned that it may have been mistreated by me over the last few years and maybe had gone a bit bad. But I needn’t have feared – it was truly delicious.

Thanks for the evening, Lovell’s. Thanks for selling me the beer, Geoff.